How to REALLY use LinkedIn

December 4, 2011

LinkedIn is the largest professional (online) network in the world. The majority has 3 questions: “What’s in it for me?”, “I have a profile, now what?” and “How to get more results without spending a lot of time?”

Probably the best way to answer these questions is the book How to REALLY use LinkedIn“! Together with Jan Vermeiren, I wrote the second edition of this international bestseller.

"How to REALLY use LinkedIn" International BestsellerWith this book you will learn:

• 10 powerful ways to find new customers, employees or a new job
• 42 tips to make your profile stand out
• 11 strategies to apply LinkedIn at an organizational level
• 31 answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs)
• 30 lesser-known functions and opportunities
• Plus 53 new pages, including extra tips and timesaving tools

Discover also the free “Video & Tools Library”! It has a vast collection of how-to-videos and extra tools, including several Genius Shortcuts.

“How to REALLY use LinkedIn” is available in English, Dutch, French and Spanish. For more info check out

What most people don’t know (yet), is that Jan and I decided to

give away

1 million books

for FREE!


To actively stimulate the economy! Too many people are looking for new customers, new employees or a new job. They are hardly using LinkedIn, because they don’t know the platform well enough!

At the same time, we are raising 1 million dollar for charity! Check out our website for more info. And remember to download the book for FREE as well! (English and Dutch versions!)

To your success!

Paulo Coelho

August 17, 2009

Most of you know that Paulo Coelho is one of my favorite authors. I enjoy reading his books and love his stories. You also know that Paulo Coelho is sharing his books online for FREE! (Those who didn’t, go get ‘m now 🙂 ) Now, he also shares stories and books that are available only on the internet.

Here are a few examples :

The Way of the Bow Stories for parents, children and grandchildren Stories for parents, children and grandchildren (Volume 2) Warrior of Light (Volume 1)

The Way of the Bow

Stories for Parents, Children and Grandchildren (Volume 1)

Stories for Parents, Children and Grandchildren (Volume 2)

The Warrior of Light

A lot more stories and books are available at his blog. Also in other languages, like Portuguese, Spanish, German and Italian. I prefer PDF and of course if you like it in different formats, take your pick : ePub, Kindle, SonyReader and iLiad.

Paulo, thanks again for sharing your inspiring work!

Gratis Free

July 15, 2009

Free, hoe het nieuwe Gratis de markt radicaal verandert.Free, het nieuwste boek van Chris Anderson, je weet wel van The Long Tail, is nu GRATIS te downloaden in het Nederlands op

Free verschaft inzichten in hoe het nieuwe Gratis de markt radicaal verandert.
Free boeit je gegarandeerd! Hoe verdien je geld met gratis? Hoe verdienen bedrijven massa’s geld met het gratis weggeven van producten en diensten? Hoe concurreren met gratis? Is gratis altijd effectief “for free”?

Chris geeft een overzicht van verscheidene gratis business-modellen met concrete voorbeelden.  Microsoft, Google, Yahoo en talloze andere schitterende voorbeelden van hoe de “gift economy” of gratis weggeven van producten en diensten massa’s geld opbrengen.

Uiteraard is er ook ruimte voor praktische tips en leuke ideeën om te leren hoe anderen een gat in hun markt gevonden hebben of hoe ze hun strategie radicaal hebben moeten herzien omdat er een “gratis speler” hun markt penetreerde.

Dus redenen genoeg om het boek nu GRATIS te downloaden, of wat dacht je met zo’n titel als Free?

So, you prefer FREE in English? Of course! Be my guest and check out Chris Anderson’s blog for a free English version of FREE and an audio book (unabridged version). Also a Google Books version of FREE is available for you and you can even get it at iTunes for FREE.

Have fun for Free 🙂

Bert Verdonck
Lifehacker & Life Coach
Create, Connect & Contribute

Pile, don’t file!

June 12, 2008

Why do you file every new document or attachment you receive into a nice tree of folders? I know, you are looking for structure, easy access to those documents later on and maybe some ease of mind knowing that these are stored in the so-called “right place”.

Time to share another lifehacking tip with you. Stop filing documents and start piling! Use search engines to retrieve documents. Use Google Desktop instead. Win the time back you are spending on ever-changing structures, creating folders, saving files 8 levels deep in your system or within your network. Nobody ever keeps track of your system anyway.

Simply create 1 folder and pile all your documents there. No hassle, simple!

When you need any document, you are searching for it anyway. So, use Google Desktop and save yourself more time.

Enjoy every day,
Bert Verdonck


When is Good

June 10, 2008

Imagine a situation where you have to organise a meeting with several people. It just takes one phonecall, right? NOT! In your dreams maybe, but in reality, how many times do you have to mail or call and change the date again because one of the participants can’t make it. The 2 or 3 dates you proposed only fit partially.

How to solve this with a simple lifehack? Easy : When is Good!

When is good

“When is Good” is a small, easy way to find out when everyone is free for your next meeting or event. Just click the grid for all the times that are good for you. Then you get a link to email to your invitees. They see your proposed times and click on when they are free. You visit your results page and see when everyone can do.

When is Good grid

No sign-up form. No password to choose. No fuss at all. Another true lifehack!

Enjoy life,
Bert Verdonck
Life Hacker

Lifehack : Easy backups!

June 2, 2008

ok, here we go : the first life hack to make your life easier.

What is the most important task we all (tend to) forget once and a while? Right, making a computer backup!

Now, Mozy has a wonderful service for online backup.

You just download a small application, sign up for their free MozyHome service and you are ready to get 2 GB free backup space. Yes, 2 GB!
I am not sure about your files, but 2GB takes me a long way…

Anyway, for peanuts (5$/month) you can upgrade to unlimited backup space!

Mozy connects to their online server and backsup your computer when it’s idle. The first time it takes hours (in my case about 1GB), from then on, only a couple of minutes. It automatically checks which files have changed. Those will be backup again (also new ones of course!).

The extra advantage is when you loose your PC or it’s borrowed, stolen or simply crashes on you, you just download your backup (from anywhere in the world!) again and within the hour you are operational again! Perfect!

So, you don’t have any excuse anymore for not backing up your PC!

How’s that for starters 🙂

Why Mozy? It seems to be one of the biggest online backup services and it’s a daughter company of EMC2, the storage experts.

What Mozy believes:
You shouldn’t have to think about backup.
Backup should be set up once, and then work automatically.

Your files should be encrypted.
Your backup files should be encrypted and stored in a secure, remote location that’s only accessible to you — from anywhere.

Your backups should be smart.
Your backup system should be smart enough to only back up data that’s not already been backed up, only back up parts of a file that have changed, and be able to back up open and locked files.

You see, in my opinion they fit into my kind of world of lifehacking! 😉

Enjoy every day,
Bert Verdonck