Promote Your Blog on LinkedIn

July 26, 2010

How to promote your blog on LinkedIn?

There are multiple ways to do it. Here are 5 toptips that you can implement immediately:

1. Add your blog in your profile, under Websites. Most people have standard links to their website : My Website, My Company or My Blog. Change”Your Blog” into the actual title of your blog (or keywords). How? Choose ‘edit’ at websites, add a field ‘Other’. Here you can add a title and a URL.

2. Add Application. Here you can also insert your blog if you are blogging with WordPress or TypePad. Go to ‘More’ in the menu and click on ‘Application Directory’. Click the blog of your choice and install the application. From now on, your new blogs will appear automatically on your LinkedIn profile.

3. Update your status. When you write a new blog article, you can let your network know by updating your status. Add the link to your blog in the update. Of course, you can repeat this step everytime you are publishing an update on your blog.

4. Participate in Discussions in your favorite groups. Go to your groups and participate in the ongoing discussions. See where your blog has an answer to one of these discussions. Mention it while you answer them.

5. Answers. It is a great place to get more visibility and get more ‘expert’ status. Go to ‘More’ in the menu and click on ‘Answers’. Look for questions people are asking. Answer them by referring also to your blog. Or turn it around: write a blog article where you answer questions and put the link in the answers. It will create additional traffic to your blog as well!

Of course, these tips will only work if you have a blog 🙂 I am using WordPress and I recommend it to anyone.

Bert Verdonck is an extraordinary life coach and an inventive lifehacker. Bert is also one of the official Certified LinkedIn Trainers worldwide. Next to pragmatic trainings and personal coaching, he is an international keynote speaker to inspire and help professionals with their efficiency. As a published author and the founder of ‘Genius Shortcuts’ he already saved thousands of people at least 2 hours per day!

Start Sharing on LinkedIn

April 21, 2010

Most people already know that I am a Certified LinkedIn Trainer and with Networking Coach we are really helping a lot of people with getting more results by using LinkedIn.

So, I thought, it might be a good idea to start sharing some interesting tips on LinkedIn. Now, why would I do it all by myself if LinkedIn has their own clip on YouTube clip to show it to you 🙂

Happy Sharing!

Win 2u per dag aan efficiëntie

July 3, 2009

Genius Shortcuts met Bert Verdonck:
Win 2u per dag aan productiviteit en efficiëntie!

Bert VerdonckWat zou jij doen met dagelijks 2 uur extra tijd? Zou je vroeger naar huis gaan of toch nog iets extra afwerken? Misschien wil je gewoon efficiënter werken en meer tijd voor plezier, vrienden en familie?

Ontdek hoe het inzetten van slimme tools zoals het leren schrijven van 100 emails in 1 uur, een eenvoudige wijziging in structuur en simmer omgaan met beelden, meer tijd voor je creëren én ook meer resultaten opleveren.

Schrijf je nu in om 2 uur per dag aan productiviteit en efficiëntie te winnen! Deze training gaat door in Antwerpen op 29 juli 2009.

Meer info ? Check de eventsite

Training Life Coach

February 27, 2009

Stats are a wonderful tool. One of the lessons that I learned going through my blog’s stats, is that a number of visitors are searching for “training life coach”, “cursus coaching”, “opleiding life coach”, “live life coach” and “open cursus”. In a similar way, people are looking for “cursus lifehacking”, “ecourse lifehacking” and “open cursus lifehacking”.

If I tell you that at least a couple of these are found daily in my stats…What does that tell me? Right, that I should probably do something about this!

So, I am in the process of organising more open courses on lifehacking later this year! YES 🙂

On top of that, nearly all coachees give me incredible feedback. And nowadays I sometimes have interviews with people who are thinking of becoming a life coach themselves. And they come to talk to me? Mmm, something’s out there…Some people are advocating me! Word of mouth still rules! I like it! 🙂 So, yes, I’ll be looking into ways of sharing my Create, Connect & Contribute-coaching programme with other coaches in the future.  Stay tuned!

Thank you all for being so supportive and for letting me share my gifts with you!

Enjoy every day,

Bert Verdonck
Lifehacker & Life Coach

PS : if you want to stay on top of what I am doing, follow me on Twitter!