Living an Extraordinay Life!

January 18, 2008

I can hardly believe the amount of LUCK that I have!

Next to the traditional meaning of Luck, according to Roger Hamilton, LUCK is the “Key to Wealth” and it stands for

L = Location    U = Understanding    C = Connecting    K = Knowledge

I am in the right place, enjoying my flow! I do understand what is happening to me and I love every minute of it! Unbelievable the great connections I am making lately! Being on a high energy level also stimulates my knowledge base… I am learning at an incredible rythm these days 😉

XL Results Foundation So, I decided to step up and recently signed up for his XL Results Foundation, meaning that I am the first Belgian XL Life Member. Jihaa!

Next to traveling around to be in the “right” places, I ‘ll be regularly attending spectacular seminars (XL has +2000 this year!) from now on, learning to understand more, connect with an additional network of 300,000 entrepreneurs worldwide, including 3000 other Life Members and I ‘ll be learning and teaching several interesting subjects. To be continued…  😉

So, yes, I am already living an Extraordinary Life! Thanks and what about you? When will you realize that today is the FIRST day of the rest of your live? Talk to me…

Enjoy every day,
Bert Verdonck

The best way…

January 10, 2008

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

 – Mahatma Gandhi –

Yes, another qoute of this outstanding man! As you know, contribute is one of my keywords and by sharing this quote, I hope to inspire you too! By the way, why is contributing more not in your New Year’s resolution? Thank you if it is!

Of course, thinking about it, is a great start, but you can do more…next to donating money, you could also sign up as a volunteer or give the needed a hand…

Another gift is this very inspring link to 12 tenets for 2008.

So, what is your action plan for 2008? Drop me a line (or two)!

Enjoy every day,

Bert Verdonck

Wealth Creation?

January 5, 2008

Wealth Creation is a game. Which means it has rules, and it must be fun. If you don’t know the rules, you can’t win the game. And if it feels like hard work, you’re doing the wrong thing.
– Roger Hamilton –

Most people know Roger Hamilton as the creator of Wealth Dynamics.  He’s Asia’s leading wealth consultant and now visiting Belgium for the first time. XLBenelux is organising this event on the 16th January 2008 in Antwerp.

Ecademy Antwerp Roger Hamilton

Ecademy Antwerp is supporting this Roger Hamilton Event! I provide you with FREE tickets if you mail me (valued at 149 € per person). Have look at the Ecademy Antwerp’s website for more info!

If you can’t wait to discover your own Wealth Profile, you can take the test online.

In case you were still doubting, my profile is pretty clear : CREATOR!

Bert Verdonck Wealth Profile

Enjoy every day,

Bert Verdonck

Network Creator

Are you successful?

January 5, 2008

How do you define success? When do you consider yourself successful?

In my opinion, everyone will have its own version, but for me, it does not only mean wealth & fortune! I have met several people I admire and respect enourmously, who others would consider paupers. They chose (and are choosing every day) to live their lives with passion. They enjoy what they are doing, and they love it every day, in fact every minute of it!

So, in my book, if you want success than you need to find something that you enjoy doing every day! Without passion it is extremely difficult to keep on track and stay the course! Too many people are stuck in the rat race and their everyday pattern, mostly defined by “others”.

I want to break that pattern and inspire people to find or create their real passion, connect them with the right people and contribute in achieving their dreams! I can honestly state that I am quite successful at it and will be even more successful in the future…

I am successful at making others successful!

So, if you are not successful yet, talk to me 😉

If you are you successful? Tell me!

Enjoy every day,

Bert Verdonck

You must be the change…

January 2, 2008

You must be(come) the change you wish to see in the world.

 – Mahatma Gandhi-

One of Gandhi’s most famous quotes…

Only after creating my vision in life and making the necessary changes, I really learned the true value of this priceless quote! It is so true, not only by saying you are changing, but also by doing, you become a changed person. Just give the example and others might adapt to your attitude as well. It does seem so simple, and it is in a way, but if you are in the middle of something it can be hard to stay focused…

Enjoy every day,

Bert Verdonck

Basic Questions

January 2, 2008

At the dawn of a new year, we often reflect on the past year and look ahead to the next one. Several questions pop into our mind and as we contemplate on them, we are reminded of who we really are.

So, here are my 5 basic questions for you :

  1. WHY are you HERE ?
  2. WHAT is your bigger PURPOSE ?
  3. WHO are YOU really ?
  4. WHEN are you going to start BEING who you really are ?
  5. HOW will you KNOW ?

Take some time off, be just by yourself, watch a sunrise or a sunset and go over these questions. Answer them one by one and enjoy the clarity they bring.

Have an outstanding year!

Enjoy every day,

Bert Verdonck
Lifehacker & Life Coach