David Allen Dinner

February 17, 2009

I am excited! Tonight I’ll be having dinner with Mr. GTD himself, David Allen, in Amsterdam. How cool is that?

I keep you posted on his insights and my experience 🙂

Have fun, always,

Bert Verdonck
Lifehacker & Life Coach

David Allen Interview

February 3, 2009

David Allen, auteur van “Getting Things Done” (GTD) en “Making It All Work”, omschrijft zichzelf als een zeer luie persoon. Naast enkele basiselementen beschrijft hij wat GTD uniek maakt en vertelt hij over hoe het 4 jaar duurde om GTD te publiceren. Een audio-fragment ligt zijn levensfilosofie toe en hij sluit af met een concrete tip.

Lees het volledige artikel op lifehacking.nl!

David Allen

January 13, 2009

Getting Things DoneGetting Things Done was in 2008 what was the 4-Hour Workweek (Tim Ferris) in 2007 for me…probably the best book I have read last year 🙂

So, David Allen is as you all know, one of the most sought after global experts in the field of productive work. He is one of the gurus for the lifehacking community and a great guy. How would I know? Well, I interviewed him lately!

And you can have a chance of seeing David Allen live as well, because he’s coming over to Europe. On the 17th februari, he’s in Dortmund (Germany) and on the 19th in Amsterdam (the Netherlands). I am definitely going to the Dortmund event: the Making it all work – seminar!

Would you like to go too ? Let me know and I’ll buy you a drink!

Would you like to have a chance at winning a free ticket? Or do you just want to give the organisers a helping hand? Then take 5 minutes to fill out this questionnaire about GTD. Yes, you’ll get it done in less than 5 minutes and they really, really need a 100 more people to take the questionnaire 🙂

Of course, check my blog regularly, because I’ll be back with some great insights from the interview with David!

Enjoy every day,

Bert Verdonck
Lifehacker & Life Coach