When is Good

June 10, 2008

Imagine a situation where you have to organise a meeting with several people. It just takes one phonecall, right? NOT!Β In your dreams maybe, but in reality, how many times do you have to mail or call and change the date again because one of the participants can’t make it. The 2 or 3 dates you proposed only fit partially.

How to solve this with a simple lifehack? Easy : When is Good!

When is good

“When is Good” is a small, easy way to find out when everyone is free for your next meeting or event. Just click the grid for all the times that are good for you. Then you get a link to email to your invitees. They see your proposed times and click on when they are free. You visit your results page and see when everyone can do.

When is Good grid

No sign-up form. No password to choose. No fuss at all. Another true lifehack!

Enjoy life,
Bert Verdonck
Life Hacker

Sharing my life hacking tips…

May 16, 2008

Ok, it’s time to step up again! I decided to start a new way of contributing. I am sharing my lifehacking tips with you.

What is life hacking I hear you say πŸ™‚ Well, life hacking is a concept, a model, a group of tools to make your life easier, faster and more efficient. Some stuff is based on common sense and low-tech others are nifty pieces of software that will rock your world.

I have been a life hacker all my life, without knowing that actually a word was invented for this. Life Hack is created by Danny O’Brien in 2004 after polling a group of productive geeks on the details of their work processes. It all started pretty innocent with batch-files and automating repetitive tasks, but it has now moved to an entire community.

As the only Belgian, I participated at the Life Hacking Academy in Amsterdam recently. I not only met my friends Martijn Aslander and Jan Mulder again, but also got introduced to some other notorious, Dutch lifehackers : Anja Wassenaar, Taco Oosterkamp, Frank Meeuwsen and Filips Jager.

So, I’ll be publishing lifehacks regularly here, so you’ll be astonished how easy you can make your life. By the way, I just created a new slogan for this topic : Life Hacking, the easy way of life by Bert Verdonck!πŸ™‚

Enjoy every day,
Bert Verdonck
Network Creator & Lifehacker